Thursday, August 21, 2008

domestic success

My car is halfway (and neatly) packed! My room is a wreck, but I'm working on it. I'm leaving in 36 hours! And I'm not stressed at all! yes!

Also, for the first time in my (recently acquired) domestic career, something I baked turned out well the first time around. Not burnt, undercooked, missing a key ingredient, or anything of the sort! Blueberry-coconut macadamia muffins. My new favorite thing. AND I made homemade granola for the second time, and I didn't burn it. Usually it takes me at least two or three times to get it right.

For the most part this summer, I have eaten well and cooked or baked something almost everyday (or at least a few times a week). And I've enjoyed it! I even like grocery shopping, especially by myself or with my sister. Given, it was with my parents' money, but hey, I saved them the time all summer. Unfortunately, my consistently healthy eating habits and cooking endeavors kind of trailed off over the past two this was my last push to finish strong.

Sigh. I am building my domestic endurance. This summer I made steady progress, but at this rate, I will probably not be fit to be a wife for at least 4 more years. Or so. Not that that is necessarily my focus in all's just really satisfying to know you can do something, or to see the product of steady attempts to form a new habit or lifestyle.

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